This is a card I made for a Regal Craft Cards demo ages ago. Its not a particularly great design so I'm not suggesting you necessarily want to copy it (though you're welcome to if you want) HOWEVER it was made to illustrate a whole lot of techniques that can be used in cardmaking so.......
1. If you are a bit challenged in the bow-tying department, an alternative is to secure your ribbon at either end, then cut a smaller matching ribbon and knot it around the longer piece. Most people will "see" a bow
2 If you have a sheer ribbon and have trouble finding an adhesive that won't show or ooze through, then secure the ends behind a panel, then mount the whole lot onto the card.
3. A nice straight shiny border can be made by sticking some double sided tape down to where you want the border to be, removing the other backing, covering with embossing powder (I used gold) and heating to melt. (Check that the tape you are using is up to the job first - all the ones Regal sell are suitable).
4. Colour metallic trim (this one's from Green Tara) with permanent pens to match your project.
5. Just put the edge of an embossing folder over your opened card (before adding all the extra bits) and run through your Cuttlebug to make a border.
6. Always use a thick, good quality base card if you are going to embosss/heat/collage etc etc . (This one is PL2 - Regal's smooth white singlefold.